Workpackages (WP)
Dieser Abschnitt bietet einen Überblick über die WP (Arbeitspakete). Jedes Arbeitspaket wird zusammen mit den verantwortlichen Partnern und den Leitern der jeweiligen Pakete aufgeführt. Diese Übersicht dient dazu, die organisatorische Struktur und die Verantwortlichkeiten innerhalb des Projekts zu verdeutlichen.
Projektkoordination und -management
WP Lead: Stichting Radboud Universitair Medisch Centrum (RADBOUDUMC) PRUDENT WP1 is responsible for: (1) Governance and organization of the project (2) Assurance of compliance with ethics and data protection regulations. (3) Scientific and technical supervision and monitoring of the overall project progress. (4) Management and regulation of the communication flow between partners and with the EC. (5) Definition and control measures arising from meetings. (6) Activation of contingency plans concerning management risks and conflicts resolution. (7) Innovation management. WP1: List of tasks T1.1 – Communication T1.2 – Meetings T1.3 – Controlling of the technical and financial status T1.4 – Decision making structures T1.5 – Overview and supervision of legal/contractual issues T1.6 – Assurance of compliance with ethics and data protection regulations T1.7 – Innovation Management WP1: Deliverables D1.1 – Detailed FAIR data management plan D1.2 – Project website D1.3 – Update FAIR data management plan D1.4 – public website
Situationsanalyse, Indikatoren, Überwachung
WP Lead: Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) Description: Oral diseases and conditions affect about half of the EU population, but many citizens do not have access to essential oral care without financial hardship. There are substantial differences in the oral health care systems in Europe, yet, little is known about the causes and consequences of these systems. With PRUDENT, we aim at closing this knowledge gap by, firstly, analysing the oral health care needs and offer in Europe, and, secondly, proposing guidance for oral care benefit package, financing and performance monitoring. Based on focus group discussions, we will define a list of essential oral health care and a set of harmonised indicators on oral health system performance. Through a scoping review, a survey, and national expert consultations, we will map the existing oral care financing mechanisms across Europe and determine a typology of financing and payment systems in oral health care. Finally, based on the identified performance indicators, we will design a monitoring framework and create an interactive dashboard to follow oral health systems’ performance. These activities will provide inputs to all the other Work Packages of the PRUDENT project. Objectives: (1) Situation analysis of oral health care financing mechanisms and typology of oral health financing (2) Consensus on essential oral health care (3) Developing a harmonized set of oral health financing and oral health care performance indicators (4) Monitoring framework of oral health care performance Deliverables: D2.1 – Essential packages of oral care D2.2 – List of harmonized indicators on oral health system performance D2.3 – Monitoring dashboard of oral health care performance List of Tasks: T2.1 Ethical approval and detailed study protocol T2.2 Consenting on essential oral health care benefit basket T2.3 Situation analysis and typology of oral health financing mechanisms in Europe T2.4 Deliberative development of a harmonized set of performance indicators of oral health financing and oral health care T2.5 EU-wide monitoring framework for oral systems performance
Behavioral Economics Lab
WP Lead: Syddansk Universitet (SDU) Description: Oral care should ideally be delivered cost-effectively and equitably. To ensure an appropriate welfare-enhancing delivery of dental healthcare it is paramount to 1) know citizens’ preferences for dimensions of oral health, 2) understand citizens’ behaviour by assessing how market barriers and individuals’ personality traits impact on demand patterns, and 3) understand dentists’ behaviour by exploring how dentists’ terms of employment and motivations are associated with their supply of dental healthcare. Key tasks in this WP will be data collections via a citizen survey and a dentist survey, and to link these survey data with high-quality register data. Citizen preferences will be elicited in England, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands and France (n=1000 in each country. The dentist survey will be conducted in England end Denmark with the purpose of eliciting dentists’ preferred supply of oral health care services using survey-based experiments. Objectives: "The aim of this workpackage is to improve our understanding of: (1) How citizens prioritize different aspects of oral health (2) How market characteristics and individuals’ personality traits determine the demand for dental health (3) How market characteristics and dentists’ motivational profiles determine the supply of dental care" Deliverables: "D3.1. Evidence brief: results of preference experiments D3.2. Report: linked registry-survey data analysis " List of Tasks: "T 3.1. Ethics approval and study protocol T 3.2. Eliciting how citizens prioritize oral health care services using survey-based experiments T 3.3. Mapping citizens’ demand for oral health care services using linkage of citizen survey & register data T 3.4. Eliciting dentists’ preferred supply of oral health care services using survey-based experiments T 3.5. Mapping dentists’ supply of oral health care services using linkage of dentists’ survey & register data "
Experimentelle Umsetzung
WP Lead: Stichting Radboud Universitair Medisch Centrum (RADBOUDUMC) Description: PRUDENT WP4 harnesses unique insights from real-world experiments on oral care financing to generate new knowledge about the impacts and facilitators/barriers on implementing oral care financing innovations. To extract maximum knowledge, the PRUDENT consortium has identified two highly unique case studies which will be augmented by a realist synthesis with focus on a broader range of reforms in multiple European countries as well as regulatory learning: •Practice-based clinical study on risk-adjusted and prevention-oriented capitation payments •Evaluation of the French “100% Santé” scheme with respect to achieving UHC for oral care. •Realist synthesis of oral care financing reforms in various European countries •Identifying actionable regulatory tools to improve oral care financing Objectives: (1) Test and evaluate the implementation of prevention-oriented payments within a practice-based pilot trial; (2) Identify the impacts and facilitators/barriers of various oral care financing reforms in Europe; (3) Examine the potential of current laws and regulations to drive oral care financing innovations. List of tasks: T4.1 – Ethics approval and detailed study protocol T4.2 – Practice-based study on risk-adjusted capitation and performance-tied bonus payments T4.3 – Quasi-experimental impact evaluation of a major reform to achieve UHC for oral care T4.4 – Realist synthesis of oral care financing reforms in various European countries T4.5 – Identifying actionable regulatory tools to improve oral care financing Deliverables: D4.1 – Ethics approvals received D4.2 – Study initiation package D4.3 – Midterm recruitment report D4.4 – Evidence brief: impacts & modifiers of implementing oral care financing reforms D4.5 – Report on the status of the posting of results to the study registry D4.6 – Regulatory sandbox: report on regulatory tools for oral care financing improvements
Needs-based resource planning
WP Lead: University College Cork - National University of Ireland, Cork (UCC) Description: "Determine the impact of the following on oral health needs: - oral health morbidity; - demography; - practice organizational models such as changes in skill-mix; - treatment innovations; - cross-country movements of patients; - cross-country movements of care providers. - Build a system dynamics model for oral health workforce planning - Develop a digital decision tool for needs-adaptive & cost-efficient resource/workforce planning" Objectives: "(1) Identify the impacts of key relevant determinants of oral care needs; (2) Develop a multi-country system dynamics model for needs-adaptive oral health resources & workforce planning; (3) Deploy a digital decision aid tool for policy and decision makers in oral health resource & workforce planning." Deliverables: "D5.1 – Report on findings from evidence synthesis D5.2 – Decision aid tool: workforce/ resource planning" List of Tasks: T5.1: Ethics approval and detailed study protocol T5.2: Evidence synthesis on key relevant determinants of oral care needs T5.3 System dynamics model for needs-adaptive & cost-efficient resource/workforce planning T5.4 Digital decision aid tool for workforce/resource planning
Deliberative multi-criteria processes
WP Lead: University of Newcastle Upon Tyne (UNEW) Description: Priority setting and resource allocation (PSRA) exercises are a vital component of efficient and equitable financing of health systems as they can be used to determine coverage of health systems in terms of both what procedures are included and which population groups are covered and to what extent. We aim to test different approaches to PSRA exercises in oral health in order to develop a manual for future use. We will utilise a range of deliberative, multi-criteria decision analysis methods in three different settings (an established co-funded systems (UK), an established private insurance-based system (Netherlands) and an exercise to look at an aspirational public funded system (Netherlands). We will build on the Essential Oral Health Care Packages defined elsewhere in PRUDENT by exploring priorities for resource use beyond the essential packages at individual country level. We will employ mixed methods to continuously evaluate ongoing exercises Objectives: "(1) Conduct priority setting and resource allocation (PSRA) utilising different approaches in 3 settings in collaboration with stakeholders; (2) Evaluate PRSA exercises and identify cross-country implementability; (3) Identify best practice principles for PSRA in oral health which will be set out in our manual." Deliverables: "D6.1 Publication of study protocol D6.2 Report and publication on findings from evaluation of PRSA exercises D6.3 Manual of best practice in PRSA in oral health settings" List of Tasks: "T6.1 Protocol development and ethical approval T6.2 Empirical testing of deliberative processes for priority setting and resource allocation T6.3 Process evaluation alongside empirical testing of deliberative PRSA processes"
WP Lead: Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) Description: "This Work Package intends to translate and promote the results of the project into actionable products (toolkits, manuals, roadmaps) for policy makers. It will establish regular dialogue among relevant researchers and stakeholders in oral health policy and health information (“change agents” in policy and practice) at the national, European and international level which will provide feedback. In this regard a Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan (DEC plan) will be developed and currently updated to incorporate innovative approaches and findings throughout the project. This is to disseminate the project outcomes, deliverables and innovative initiatives identified to continuously inform the target audiences and policy makers through different channels for the full duration of the project. " Objectives: "(1) Coordinate and manage a Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan (DEC plan) (2) Translate results into a mix of communication tools for defined audience (3) Establish regular dialogue among relevant stakeholders and researchers in oral health policy and health information through DEC activities (4) Disseminate project results through events and workshops (5) Integration of knowledge from WPs2-6 into the PRUDENT Financing Compendium." Deliverables: "D7.1 – DEC plan version 1 D7.2 – Final report on DEC tools, measures, and exploitation plan D7.3 – PRUDENT Financing Companion" List of Tasks: T7.1 – Set up, update and implement DEC strategy T7.2 – Production & distribution of communication tools & promotional material T7.3 – Disseminations and communication activities T7.4 – IP Management and Exploitation Planning T7.5 – European Observatory Policy workshop T7.6 – Integrative synthesis of knowledge from WP2-6 into the PRUDENT Financing Companion