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Technische Universität Berlin - Department for Healthcare Management

The Department of Health Care Management of the Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) is part of the Faculty of Economics and Management. It is concerned with health care systems, institutions and incentives, health economics, health policy as well as health care technologies/health technology assessment. The department has a strong interdisciplinary and international focus. Its research and teaching is based on public health, social sciences, economics, medicine, and engineering. The department has strong relations with international organizations, universities, and industrial partners throughout Europe and beyond. In 2005, the department was named the “Collaborating Centre for Health Systems Research and Management” by the World Health Organization (WHO). As a result, the department is integrated in the WHO’s global network and it supports the WHO in its international efforts through scientific work. It has coordinated a project each in the 6th and 7th FP and has participated in a number of other EU-funded projects.

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